This Fall I was given the opportunity to learn about GOMI through a Keeping It Green course at LMACS. Under awesome circumstances, my class was able to practice their own indoor gardening skills through seeds and planting materials funded by GOMI. Personally, I was really excited to hear about this since I’ve never planted and taken care of a plant myself.
On October 27, I planted radish, cucumber and leek seeds. I also received a spider plant which looked like it needed a bit of a revival. Unfortunately, shortly after I planted the seeds I went away for a week to Ohio leaving the responsibility to my brother and boyfriend. Surprisingly, the plants improved while I was gone. My radish plant had started to sprout which was really exciting. The other two were still just soil. Unfortunately, within a few days and with my forgetful self the radish sprouts had sort of dried and shriveled up. Not all of them though, which gives me confidence in making them stronger.
One of the ways I’ve been encouraging my plants is by saying to them phrases like “You’re going to grow big and strong”, “You’re going to grow to be so beautiful.” I have seen results with this technique and I recommend it to those who need saving of their own plants. Throughout my gardening experience so far, I feel as if I have learned a lot. I feel way more connected and involved in science and giving more to the planet. Even though my plants aren't fully grown to be their best yet, they contribute to ecological services by producing oxygen and food to many animals and organisms. They have also been proven to remove environmental toxins. In the future, I definitely see myself growing a garden full of all plants and flowers. Thank you to GOMI and my teachers at LMACS for making this possible and for planting the seed of desire and understanding for gardening in my head.

This is my vibrant spider plant nourishing, along with the other small pots containing my radish, leek, and cucumber seeds in the background.