GOMI Journal:
Fostering Stewardship from the Forest to the Salt Marsh
GOMI Journal has a mission to engage the teachers, students, and scientists in the preservation of the Gulf of Maine and its watershed. Published triennially, GOMI Journal is a collaborative effort by educators, students and scientists, desiring to learn together how to educate our future citizens and scientists in the best way to meet environmental challenges, such as climate change.
(CBS) emphasizes learning to steward through:
1. Immersion in community-rooted, structured, experiences that emphasize unique biota, history, culture, economy, literature, and art of a specific place.
2. Civic engagement, the act(s) of doing something concrete and beneficial to improve, understand, remedy, protect and promote a healthy ecosystem.
3. Connecting local community efforts to the larger bioregion through acting locally while thinking bioregionally.
We are committed to bringing to you the voices from all these communities.
Our current partners in this effort include the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole MA, Acadia University’s Tidal Energy Institute and the Centre for Estuarine Research, Wolfville, NS, Salem Sound Coast Watch, Salem, MA, Kennebunkport Conservation Trust, Kennebunkport, ME.
GOMI Journal gratefully acknowledges the support of:
The Harken Foundation, Chicago, IL
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Region I, Gloucester, MA
New England BioLabs Foundation, Ipswich, MA
TD Bank Friends of the Environment Foundation, W. Falmouth, ME
Toward Sustainability Foundation, Wakefield, MA
Youth Editor Notes:
The GOMI Journal serves the GOMI community as a forum for students, teachers and researchers to inform the community of their activities, results and views on projects and issues related to the Gulf of Maine. We edit the articles submitted with a bias towards allowing the authors, particularly youth, to express themselves in their own words, with only small editorial changes to clarify meaning. We wish to encourage members of our community, again, particularly GOMI youth, to express themselves in a public forum, and to gain experience in publishing.
The Editors
The editors welcome manuscripts that contribute to the understanding of the theory, research, and practical program applications that pertain to GOMI's goals and mission. They encourage contributions from students, as well as from adult practitioners, policy makers, educators, and researchers. Authors are asked to write clearly, in a non-technical style and are encouraged to submit photos, tables, and/or diagrams that illustrate their articles. Guidelines for manuscript preparation are available here.