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John Terry
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John P. Terry

founded the Gulf of Maine Institute in 1999.  John was Editor-in-Chief, CYD (Community Youth Development) Journal from Aug. 1994 to Nov. 2002. John has broad teaching and administrative experience at the university level including the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1969-1984, University of Massachusetts, Lowell, 1985-1992, and Union College, Schenectady, NY, 1964-1969. John received national recognition in 2006 when selected  as Civic Ventures,’ Lead with Experience Program 2006 Purpose Prize Fellows.  He is also a 2008 recipient of the Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment Visionary Award

Anne Giblin
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Anne Giblin

A senior scientist at the Ecosystems Center Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Massachusetts. Anne’s major research interest has been on the cycling of elements in the environment. Current projects include an assessment of how climate change and sea level rise will impact salt marshes; how increased nitrogen inputs and hydrologic disturbances alters nitrogen cycling in estuaries; and how pathways of nitrogen and phosphorus cycling change with warming in arctic lakes. Anne is committed to bringing science to youth and youth to science as means of promoting good science, citizenship and stewardship.

Tim Conway
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 Timothy M. Conway

has over 30 years experience in environmental protection, working on negotiating and enforcing environmental solutions. He and his wife have had three children in the Newburyport Public Schools.  Tim is very active in local community affairs.

Pam Morgan
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Board member

Pam Morgan

Is a professor at University of New England. Her primary research interest is in the conservation and ecology of wetlands, and she enjoys collaborating with others across multiple disciplines in her work.  She teaches a variety of courses for the Environmental Studies Department at the University of New England, including Plant Systematics, Wetland Conservation and Ecology, Wetland Restoration, Ecological Monitoring, Conservation and Preservation, and Women and the Environment. She has a master's degree in Botany from the University of Maine and a Ph.D. in Natural Resources from the University of New Hampshire. 

Rachel Ameen

Board Member

Rachel Ameen

began her work with GOMI in 2019, first as an intern, and then as Program Coordinator and a member of the Board of Directors and the Journal’s Editorial Board. Native to New England, Rachel has a background in political science, public health, and environmental studies. She received a Master’s in Marine Affairs from the University of Washington and is currently a doctoral fellow in Syracuse University’s Department of Geography and the Environment. Her research revolves around tourism and recreation in the Anthropocene, with a focus on historical perspectives. She is an avid dog lover, fan of Homeric literature, and piano enthusiast.

Rob Phillips


Alicia Hennessey

Board member


Patricia Cummings

North Shore Montessori School


Patricia Cummings

I am a Montessori Certified Upper Elementary Lead Teacher. I began my career as a parent of Montessori and then fell in love with method as an adult. I became certified and taught at a Montessori based Charter school until I transitioned to North Shore Montessori School.

Melissa Chen
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Waltham Valor High School

Melissa Chen

Has a Bachelor of Science in neuroscience from Bates College and a Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction from UMass Lowell. She has been a science instructor at Lowell Middlesex Academy Charter School since 2009. She teaches a variety of courses such as Biology, Keeping it Green, CSI, and Bioethics. She has two rescue dogs named Banjo and Dakota from Paws New England and a 1.5 year old son, Nova.

Jill Moran

Newburyport High School

Justin Yuhasz

North Shore Montessori School

Bryan Smith

Bethlehem Elementary School


Bryan has been teaching for 17 years in a variety of roles. Bryan started with the Trout in the Classroom program ten years ago as a way to engage students with emotional and behavioral disorders. Students learned how fragile life can be and the importance of habitat and environmental stewardship.


Today he teaches fourth grade in Bethlehem, NH. Water Science has become a year-long program connected to all areas of the curriculum, starting with hosting a “source to sea” cleanup where we explore and clean the local watershed. Students eventually design and construct a drifter to release into the Gulf of Maine through the help of GOMI.   

Erin Hobbs

Newburyport High School



Jane Tucker

Copy Editor

Ms. Tucker works at the Marine Biological Laboratory’s Ecosystem Center in Woods Hole, MA, the home institution of the PIE-LTER.   She studies nutrient cycling in marine and estuarine sediments at PIE and other coastal systems. Her primary role is to analyze samples and process and synthesize data to determine rates and pathways of nitrogen cycling. Research conducted at the PIE-LTER is funded by the National Science Foundation. 

Jennifer Wieckowski

Design Editor

Together with Gulf of Maine Institute and North Shore Montessori School, Jennifer hopes to create a meaningful and exciting GOMI Journal and a model habitat sanctuary at the school.  Joining her science and management background with her interest and passion in permaculture, she hopes to inspire the next generation, including her own children, to take an active role in land stewardship.  

117 Main Street
West Newbury, MA 01985


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